捐款方式||Donations methods:
- 教會採用線上敬拜期間,弟兄姊妹可以透過以下方式奉獻: 1)線上奉獻: 您可透過 PayPal或Chase QuickPay with Zelle將奉獻發送至電子郵件帳號 glcacbuilding@gmail.com, 請在信息欄或備註欄註明奉獻類別 (如 一般、建堂、大使命、宣教, 或 愛心 奉獻)。2)郵寄奉獻: 您可將支票郵寄至教會地址 (信封地址請填寫: GLCAC Treasure, 3501 W 250 N, West Lafayette, IN 47906)。請勿郵寄現金!! 感謝您的愛心奉獻! Ways to make offerings to church during online Worship: 1).Online offering: You can make your offering through PayPal or Chase QuickPay with Zelle to our church account using the email address: glcacbuilding@gmail.com. Please designate your offering category such as general, building, great commission, mission, or love fund in the note or memo. 2). Mail-in check : You can mail in your check to the church address (GLCAC Treasure, 3501 W 250 N, West Lafayette, IN 47906). Please do NOT mail in cash. Thank you for your offering!
- 建議沒有PayPal賬戶的並住在北美以內的首選支票支付(支票抬頭: GLCAC, 郵寄地址: GLCAC, 3501 West 250 North, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA)。 || Kind suggest the donators who don’t have PayPal account and within North America may send your check (payable to GLCAC) to: GLCAC, 3501 West 250 North, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 USA.
- 建議沒有PayPal賬戶的並住在北美以外的奉獻可以用電匯,直接將捐款匯到以下賬戶。||Kind suggest the donators who don’t have PayPal account and from outside North America may send your donation to the following accounts.
Bank Name: JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Address: 450 Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46277
ABA routing number:074000010 (domestic wires)
Swift code: CHASUS33 (international wires)
Routing number: 074000010
Account Name: Greater Lafayette Chinese Alliance Church
Account Number: 675309772
並發送電子郵件到glcacbuilding@gmail.com通知建堂委員會匯款信息(姓名,金額,匯款時間等)。選擇分期奉獻的弟兄姐妹可以用以上方式定期寄支票或轉賬,也可選擇電子商務的方式每月自動轉賬(通常需要上述銀行的Routing number和Account number)。|| Please also email the Church Building Committee (glcacbuilding@gmail.com) your name, amount of offering, and date of fund transfer. If you decide to offer by installment, you may mail the check or use direct deposit (E-check) to transfer fund periodically (same routing number and account number as above).
- 有PayPal賬戶的使用網上PayPal或者手機PayPal App本身的餘額或者關聯的銀行賬戶支付捐款的至glcacbuilding@gmail.com,將不會收取交易費用。 || The donators who have PayPal account or mobile PayPal App send money from your PayPal balance or bank account to glcacbuilding@gmail.com, which won’t charge the extra transaction fee.
- 如果要使用借記卡或信用卡支付,或者境外支付,均會被收取額外的交易費用,詳細收費標準請看本頁下面的注釋. 謝謝! || If sending money using debit or credit card, or from outside of the US, extra fee will be charged and the details show in the bottom of this page. Thanks!
- 通過網上或手機App來使用PayPal的餘額或者銀行賬戶: 美國境內免費。|| Use PayPal balance or bank account via the internet or Paypal mobile App: Free when sending money inside the US
- 使用借記卡或信用卡: 美國境內的費用是付款金額的2.9%,另加0.30美元。|| Debit/Credit card fee: 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction (the sender decides who pays this fee)
- 從美國境外付款: 0.5% to 2% 費用(通過網上或手機App來使用PayPal餘額或者銀行賬戶) 或者 3.4% to 3.9%費用(使用借記卡或信用卡) ,電匯手續費以各個銀行辦理規定為準。|| Outside the US: 0.5% to 2% fee when fully funded with your bank account or PayPal balance via the internet or mobile App; 3.4% to 3.9% if paying with a credit or debit card, or referring to the bank regulation if you choose international money transfer)