2020年主日學資料 Sunday School Material
2020年春季主日學課程安排: 05/03 – 06/14, 02/02 – 04/26
- 2020/04/12 疫情專題討論 錄音 PPT
- 2020/04/19 利未記之三 錄音 PDF
- 2020/04/26 利未記之四 錄音 PDF
- 2020/05/03 民數記之一 錄音 PDF
- 2020/05/10 民數記之二 錄音 PDF
- 2020/05/17 民數記之三 錄音 PPT
- 2020/05/24 民數記之四 錄音 PDF
- 2020/05/31 申命記之一 PDF
- 2020/06/07 申命記之二 錄音 PDF
- 2020/06/14 申命記之三 PDF 錄音
- 2020/06/21 啟示錄中的教會之一 PDF
- 2020/06/28 啟示錄中的教會之二 PDF
- 2020/07/12 啟示錄之四 PDF
- 2020/08/02 啟示錄之七 PDF
- 2020/08/30 約書亞記之一 資料
(1) Young believers and Gospel seekers (Led by sister Xiujun Xie and brother Hockgan Heng) (location: Library)
(2) Servant leadership: example of Jesus Christ (Led by sister Sandra Liu) (Location: Lounge)
(2) Servant leadership: example of Jesus Christ (Led by sister Sandra Liu) (Location: Lounge)
- 課程簡介
- 課程安排
- 課程內容
- Session 1_meaning of being Jesus’ disciple and leader
- Session 2_the essense of spiritual leadership (課程錄音)
- Session 3_power & authority (課程錄音)
- Session 4_the key to renewal (課程錄音)
- Session 5_the precedent of spiritual leadership (課程錄音)
- Session 6_the characteristics of spiritual leadership with notes (課程錄音)
- Session 7_Arena of service (課程錄音)
- Session 8_Team building (課程錄音)
(3) Knowing God (Led by brother John Wang) (Location: Conference Room)