分享:陳軍 弟兄


5:22 你們作妻子的,當順服自己的丈夫,如同順服主;Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.

5:23 因為丈夫是妻子的頭,如同基督是教會的頭;他又是教會全體的救主。For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.

5:24 教會怎樣順服基督,妻子也要怎樣凡事順服丈夫。Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

5:25 你們作丈夫的,要愛你們的妻子;正如基督愛教會,為教會舍己,Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her

5:26 要用水藉着道把教會洗凈,成為聖潔, to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,

5:27 可以獻給自己,作個榮耀的教會,毫無玷污、皺紋等類的病,乃是聖潔沒有瑕疵的。and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

5:28 丈夫也當照樣愛妻子,如同愛自己的身子;愛妻子便是愛自己了。In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

5:29 從來沒有人恨惡自己的身子,總是保養顧惜,正象基督待教會一樣,After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church–

5:30 因我們是他身上的肢體(有古卷在此有“就是他的骨他的肉”)。for we are members of his body.

5:31 為這個緣故,人要離開父母,與妻子連合,二人成為一體。 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”

5:32 這是極大的奧秘,但我是指着基督和教會說的。This is a profound mystery–but I am talking about Christ and the church.

5:33 然而你們各人都當愛妻子,如同愛自己一樣。妻子也當敬重她的丈夫。However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
